梅奈购物中心?耗资 3000 万英镑新建班戈健康中心
梅奈购物中心是班戈的中心零售场所。总面积约 130,000 平方英尺/12,077 平方米,租户包括 Caffé Nero、Hays Travel、Three、The Factory Shop、Superdrug 和 Burger King。Greggs 最近入驻了 9 号单元。
梅奈购物中心之前以 Debenhams 百货公司为主。该商店将成为一个重要的健康和保健中心,约 3000 万英镑的投资已获得 Betsi Cadwaladr 大学卫生委员会和格温内斯议会的批准。计划已提交给卫生委员会和威尔士政府进行正式批准。一旦获得威尔士政府的正式批准,预计将于 2025 年完成向卫生委员会的出售。请参阅北威尔士纪事报报道的新闻稿 - view.
前 Debenhams 子公司的出售包括将市中心多层停车场的所有权转让给卫生委员会。
The property comprises a large and promiment retail/leisure unit arranged on ground and first floors. The property fronts High Street and has the benefit of rear servicing access.
The property has recently been substantially refurbished by the new tenant, providing a highly-fitted bar as can be seen by the photography and video of the property.
该物业已根据 BKR 楼层平面图进行测量,并提供以下净内部建筑面积:
净临街面 | 18.26 m | 59?11? |
总临街面积 | 18.39 m | 60?4? |
A区 | 105.81 sq m | 1,139 sq ft |
B区 | 95.41 sq m | 1,027 sq ft |
C区 | 83.70 sq m | 901 sq ft |
余 | 121.14 sq m | 1,304 sq ft |
伊察 | 2040.75 | |
一楼总面积 | 406.07 sq m | 4,371 sq ft |
第一层 | 400.96 sq m | 4,316 sq ft |
全部的 | 807.02 sq m | 8,687 sq ft |
A set of floor plans and measurements is available to download; the measured survey report will be re-addressed to a purchaser at a cost of £525 + VAT.
According to the Valuation Office website the rateable value for the property is £81,000.
出售的权益是 999 年的租赁权,租金低廉。此外,买方还将获得“管理公司”Menai Centre Management Limited(公司编号 16118710)的股份。
管理公司将授予 18 股股份,用于管理梅奈购物中心的各个零售单位。目前的永久业权人 Bearmont Capital Ltd 有义务继续管理和保障梅奈购物中心,方法是任命合适的管理机构;目前任命的管理机构是 Mason Partners。
卖方正在逐步出售所有零售单位的长期租赁权益。当最后一间单位售出时,Bearmont Capital Ltd 将放弃对管理公司的控制权。永久业权将从 Bearmont Capital Ltd 转让给管理公司,最后期限为第一间单位出售完成后三年。
999 年的租赁权益将迫使单位持有人支付与梅奈中心相关的合理比例的保险和服务费。然后,单位持有人将能够根据职业租赁条款从租户那里收回这些费用。
Bearmont Capital Ltd 是 Bearmont Group 旗下子公司,Bearmont Group 是一家备受推崇的多学科房地产投资公司。更多详情可参阅 公司网站.
The ground floor unit is let to City Sports & Cocktail Bar Limited (Co. No. 15870818) on a full repairing and insuring lease for a term of 15 years from 25th December 2024, expiring on 24th December 2039.
The initial passing rent is £60,000 per annum, rising after three years to £65,000 per annum and then to £70,000 after five years.
The lease provides for a six month rent free period, with the rent commencing 25th June 2025. The vendor will ?top-up? the rent free by a reduction on the completion sum, to ensure the purchaser does not suffer and income shortfall.
The service charge budget for the Menai Shopping Centre for the year 2024-2025 is £327,460. The allocation to this unit is £12,499.95. Full information of the budgets and reconciliations is available to download.
The property has an Energy Performance Certificate assessment as A.
The tenant, City Sports & Cocktail Bar Limited (Co. No.15870818) was incorporated 1st August 2024. Whilst this is a new company, significantly the tenant has reported invested over £400,000 in the fit-out of the property, reflecting their commitment to the property.
该房产已选择缴纳增值税。我们预计此次出售应被视为持续经营转让 (TOGC)。
我们被指示寻找一个数字 70万英镑 (Seven Hundred Thousand Pounds), subject to contract, reflecting a net initial yield of 8.2% rising to 9.5% (assuming standard purchaser?s costs of 45.05%).
Please note that a purchaser will be re-charged the costs of the searches (£1,388.91) which are provided in the data room.
请注意,购买者将被收取销售价格的 1% 加上增值税的交易费。
出售 999 年租赁权益,连同因拥有梅奈购物中心永久业权而持有的管理公司的股份。
The property has an EPC rating of ?A?;
The property is newly refurbished and let on a new 15 year lease;