How We Sell
A unique and market-leading approach to deliver the best in class promotion of properties, reach, online execution and audit trails.
Since its launch, the SV International property marketing platform has gained recognition, from buyers and sellers alike, as industry leaders in delivering a superior property marketing service for the disposal of real estate investments.
Our unique and modern approach, available to all members of our network, delivers significant and proven advantages over the traditional methods.
- Unrivalled Quality of Presentation
- Data Collection and Depth of Marketing
- Speed to Market with Proven Results
- Leading Technology
- Transparency and Trust
- Highly Cost-Efficient Marketing
Our Unrivalled Quality of Presentations
Enable a purchaser to make an informed investment decision quickly and easily.
Our marketing websites are fully mobile responsive, enabling property investors to engage when on the move.
Our World Reach
Our marketing campaigns are read and viewed internationally.
Our high-quality marketing database continues to expand as viewers register continually, internationally. Collaboration between network offices offers an enhanced marketing reach.

Speed to Market
In-house creating of presentations enables fast and efficient marketing launches.
Our Modern Marketing Approach
On Screen Engagement
Enhances data collection and engagement with investors.
Pop Up Notifications
Live Chat Interactions
Client Dashboard
When we are selling your property, you will have access to real time activity reports so you can see exactly the interest generated from our marketing.
This is available at a click so when selling you have exact knowledge of the market reaction to your property.
We have created the clicktopurchase® digital property execution concept which enables property to be legally purchased online.

Track Record
A long and impressive track record validates our approach.