
Subject to Contract & Exclusive of VAT

This disclaimer applies to www.singervielle.com (the “Site”) which is owned by Singer Vielle Limited (“Singer Vielle”) and operated under licence by Singer Vielle 2 LLP.


Misrepresentation Act 1967

Singer Vielle 2LLP for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of properties for whom they act as agents give notice that:

  1. The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract.
  2. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details on the Site are given in good faith and are believed to be correct at the time of publication but may be subject to subsequent amendments.
  3. Any prospective purchasers or lessees should not rely on statements made by Singer Vielle 2LLP regarding properties as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by their own inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them.
  4. No person in the employment of Singer Vielle 2LLP has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty on behalf of Singer Vielle 2LLP whatsoever in relation to any properties listed on this Site or otherwise.
  5. All maps are for identification and reference purposes only and should not be relied upon for accuracy.
  6. Unless otherwise stated, all prices, rents and any other fees quoted are exclusive of Value Added Tax to which they may be subject.


Finance Act 1989

Unless otherwise stated, all prices and rents are quoted exclusive of VAT.


Property Misdescriptions Act 1991

These details are believed to be correct at the time of compilation but may be subject to subsequent amendment.

Concerning the properties listed and/or appearing on the Site (each a “Property”, and together the “Properties”):

  1. Our Site service permits you to enquire about and to purchase or lease Properties appearing on or listed on this Site. Such enquiries, purchase or leasing can only be made and permitted strictly subject to our Terms of Use (available here: www.singervielle.com/terms-of-use ) set out below.
  2. Under no circumstances shall we be liable to you for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages arising out of your purchase or lease of any Properties on the Site.
  3. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any errors or incompleteness of the information relating to any Property listed on this Site or if any Property has been withdrawn from sale or lease nor shall we be responsible for any inaccurate dimensions of any Properties or price listed.
  4. We do not accept responsibility or liability for the completeness or accuracy of information appearing on this Site which is provided by the Vendors or Lessors of the Property concerned who are solely responsible for such information.
  5. Whilst we believe that the Properties listed are available for purchase or lease we make no guarantee that this is the case or that they have not been withdrawn by the Vendor or Lessor of the same. All Properties appearing or listed on the Site are subject to changes, errors or omissions. We have not verified the accuracy of the information relating to the Properties or any dimensions which have been given by the Vendors or Lessors.
  6. All Properties are listed subject to contract and the prices shown are exclusive of VAT if applicable.
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Buyer Verification Form

Property Address will be displayed here ...

Before you can submit a legally binding offer through clicktopurchase®, verification is required in order to meet money laundering regulationsPlease complete the form accurately; the selling agent will be in touch to complete the verification process.

Please arrange for the Buyer’s Solicitor to return the Money Laundering Certificate to the selling agent.

By submitting your details, you agree to our Privacy Policy and you agree to receive information by email from us about our sales and services, and from other members of the network. You can unsubscribe at any time. If you would like to pass verification without completing the form, please contact us directly.

Bidder Information (This is you. You may also be the Buyer).
Buyer’s Information (The entity wishing to purchase the property)
Solicitor Information (This is the solicitor acting on behalf of the Buyer)

For property alerts

A unique transactional platform where purchasers, owners and agents conclude the property sale process online. It provides the facility for a legally binding exchange of digitally signed contracts to be conducted.

*note: variations may occur depending upon territory.

clicktopurchase® uses hash and encryption technology as part of the creation of the transactional audit trail; this is then recorded in the clicktopurchase® Blockchain.

Our unique and modern approach, available to all members of our network, delivers significant and proven advantages over the traditional methods.

For property alerts

A unique transactional platform where purchasers, owners and agents conclude the property sale process online. It provides the facility for a legally binding exchange of digitally signed contracts to be conducted.

*note: variations may occur depending upon territory.

clicktopurchase® uses hash and encryption technology as part of the creation of the transactional audit trail; this is then recorded in the clicktopurchase® Blockchain.

Partners within the SV International Network

Our unique and modern approach, available to all members of our network, delivers significant and proven advantages over the traditional methods.

A unique transactional concept where purchasers, owners and agents conclude the property sale process online. It provides the facility for a legally binding exchange of digitally signed contracts to be conducted.

*note: variations may occur depending upon territory.