Sale instruction received to dispose of 70 High Street, Kingswinford
Sale instruction received to dispose of 70 High Street, Kingswinford
Clicktopurchase® instance created, including complete legal package.
Listed on sales platform
Interested party cleared verification process (money laundering and financial clearance) on the day the property was launched for sale.
Verified purchaser submitted clicktopurchase offer at £310,000
Another interested party cleared verification and submitted clicktopurchase offer at £330,000.
Vendor accepted clicktopurchase offer. Online legal contract formed.
Contract price £330,000
Electronic audit trail of transaction recorded in immutable Blockchain ledger.
Purchaser tried to “flip” property at Auction ahead of completion of the sale
Property sold at auction for £312,000!
Sale completed at £330,000
All activity recorded in the client dashboard.
Unrivalled depth of marketing and unique online clicktopurchase execution achieved an exchange of contracts just two days in to marketing.
Purchaser attempted to “sell-on” the property at auction but sold at significant loss.
Proof of superior results achieved using the Singer Vielle sales and execution platforms.
“I was so impressed by the process that Singer Vielle carried out to sell my property in Kingswinford.
It is so much easier than private treaty which takes so
long and the efficiency of the sale from listing on a Monday to exchange 48 hours later was thrilling.
As the opportunity arises I will definitely be using Click to Purchase again – I cannot recommend it highly enough”
Darryl Lee, D and V Lee Property Consultants Ltd (Vendor)