clicktopurchase® instance created, including complete legal package prepared for sales launch.
clicktopurchase® instance created, including complete legal package prepared for sales launch.
A Turkish-based investor expresses their desire to purchase the investment.
Another interested party, a Lithuanian-based investor also expresses interest in buying the property.
Whilst the two potential purchasers are carrying out their due diligence and reviewing the legal package online, a third interested party comes forward.
In response to the competitive interest generated, all three parties are asked to submit online clicktopurchase® best offers.
All three parties submit clicktopurchase® offers. Vendor accepts highest offer. Online legal contract formed.
Electronic audit trail of transaction recorded in immutable Blockchain ledger.
All activity recorded in the client dashboard.
“I am blown away by how good this system worked!!!“ – Jourdan Rajwan, CSBF Capital Partners (Vendor)